just me really, whining on about life and such.

Friday, July 31, 2009

being absorbed

i don't blog much, the reason? i seriously have no life.
saw C on wednesday, the weather was so awful! bought some face wipes, hair bobbles and a new toothbrush for my holiday. then we went and had a drink. then we went back to his house (which i've never been too and it's absolutely beaute!) sat and watched tv while my hair went from straight to ringlets. then i got so comfortable i nearly fell asleep on his sofa :$, i felt so awful.
anyhoo when i got home i went to Loughborough for 2 days to visit my nan and pops. it was ok, mainly looked after my cousin, who is such a cutie but sometimes too overwhelming!
now i'm home and i've packed for bournemouth, can't wait to get away. no internet and no phone, bliss. i hope it's sunny. i'm actually quite excited, weird. oh and i'm definately going to Australia for christmas. it's so weird, here at home we hardly argue and everyone gets on really well, we're a unit. but over there! there is always fighting and dramas happening, it's exhausting just to watch! but, i'm so lucky to be able to go there frequently i suppose.
T is home on sunday, but i'm not here :'( i miss her and her odd ways.

you know what i need? A MAN.
you heard, fed up of trying to please everyone and sorting out their problems, i want someone to take care of me for a change!
my love life is tres difficile still though.

Ruby xx


  1. Ahhhhhhhh, dunno what to say really....... :/
    Meh,, when school starts again you should feel better, you'll have something big to occupy yourself and you'll have less time to worry about what you;re not doing. :S chin up!

