just me really, whining on about life and such.

Sunday, May 31, 2009


So, I'm new to all this, and basically i'm just testing it all out.
I've been wanting to try out a blog for a while, finally decided to do it when i read a couple of my friends blogs and thought "y'know i think i could do this, plus i can have a right ol' radge on here" which is probably not the right reason to start up a blog, but it's the only one i've got.

So i s'pose i should 'introduce myself' well, i'm Ruby, female and very nearly 16 :) thats about all you need to know. I'm not the greatest speller, and i'm not that good at writing and choosing the right words -i'm regretting this decision already- but i'll try my best.

This is it then, my first post :)
Ruby xx
