just me really, whining on about life and such.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

another boring day

i didn't do much, again.

my mum actually hugged me today :S, she said she was worried because i don't seem to go out that much anymore, she's weird.

i did all the ironing today, despite the pain. mum got in and asked if nan had been round, and i said no i had done it all and she wouldn't believe me until my brother told her that i had actually done it! it's like, y'know mum i can actually iron, jeez.

missing him and i know that i shouldn't, but god it's hard not to.

Ruby xx


  1. lmao my mum would hug me if I went out! lol
    Good on you for the ironing. Seems like everyone is doing it............

  2. i should steal this ironing idea.

