just me really, whining on about life and such.

Monday, February 22, 2010


blood test was gross :(
and I'm not a very squeamish person, but god it weirded me out!

first day back was okkkkk,
although, I nearly punched one of my class mates in the face. if I had of done it, he totally deserved it.

my plan didn't start so well, I think I might start it next week instead :D
or perhaps I could start it sooner...hmmm, we'll see :P
got something else happening right now, deal with that first.

I'm gonna watch Russell Howard now, because I LOVE HIM. (L)

Favourite PostSecret recently:

Sunday, February 21, 2010

so what's changed?

I really, really, really don't understand why you've turned into such a fucking knob.
is it because you're 'in love', really? BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT!
and stop trying to pretend you are.

and even if you are 'in love' it doesn't mean we still can't be friends and you can treat me like crap.

y'know sometimes I just want to tell her, and I mean it. But I love you too much (as a friend) to ever do that, but you don't seem to understand.

please will you stop being a twat, I'd really appreciate having my friend back.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

diaognosis doctor

well apparantly this cold thingy i've had, well pretty much since i've been back, might be glandular fever :/
so i'm having an ever so wonderful blood test on monday at 12.00 :(
and if it's not glandular fever it's probably tonsilitis, but i don't think it is cause i've had that before and it's not the same this time.


my mum thought i was depressed, cause apparnatly sleeping all the time is a sign of depression, and irregular sleeping patterns and stuff, but now we knowwww. she still keeps being all concerned, but i'm not depressed, well i don't think i am!
however she bought me malteasers and milky bar yoghurts :D

i think i might do productive things today, like homework.
i really want to go to the cinema, however this is not an option seeing as i can't get there, and if i did i'd probably just sleep.
yeah i do that a lot, sleep. i take naps and stuff, and i'm permently tired :( i just wanna be better.

so this was basically one big moan,
